Takahashi brings you a compact apochromatic fluorite doublet refractor, the FOA-60Q. This 60mm refractor has a focal length of 530mm and is paired with the Takahashi 1.7x extender for an even longer effective focal length of 901mm or approximately f/15. This exceptionally long focal length refines image quality for clear, color-free views of the planets, Moon and allows you to image at high magnification deep sky objects. By adjusting the spacing of the doublet lens design spherical aberrations are resolved similarly to larger telescopes found in the Takahashi TOA series with a Strehl ratio of over 99% with the extender in place. This ultra compact refractor is very portable in spite of it's long focal length which is a rarity. Though designed for a premium visual experience, the large 44mm image circle means this 60mm telescope can support full frame imaging as well.